happstack 0.4: A scalable framework for developing web applications in Haskell

Happstack is the Haskell Application Server Stack. It is a scalable framework for developing web applications, similar in purpose to Django, RoR, Turbogears, Grails, Seaside. happstack powers patch-tag.com and gitit.net and you can use it to beat the Arc Challenge. The latest release of happstack is now available in Arch, via AUR, and features a built-in HTTP server, built-in persistant data store, many ways to do templating, a rich EDSL for designing requests and responses, and easy integration with an external database, or webserver.

All the packages are here:

To get started with happstack, you can work through Real World Happstack.

2 responses to “happstack 0.4: A scalable framework for developing web applications in Haskell

  1. Hi,
    The package ‘haskell-src-exts’ is present in AUR as ‘haskell-haskell-src-exts’. this is causing failure of installation of hsx ( which ultimately leads to failure of installation of happs-tutorial )
    Configuring hsx-0.5.6…
    Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing:
    haskell-src-exts ==1.0.* && ==1.0.*

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